Author: Maxine Morrey
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Published: 7th November 2019
Pages: 348
Length: 14hrs 27 minutes
Buy Now: Kindle UK | Amazon UK | Audible UK | The Works
Format: Audio
Rating: 5 * * * * *
Acquired: Bought using Audible Credit / bought via Kindle UK
In an Instagram world, can you find love just by being yourself…
Popular lifestyle blogger, Libby Cartwright, is being boggled by business when help shows up in the shape of gorgeous but shy, Charlie Richmond. Libby’s determined to keep it at ‘just good friends’ – she’s dated someone from ‘Corporate Land’ before and it didn’t end well. As she and Charlie begin spending more time together, Libby is starting to waiver – until she discovers something which makes her question if she’s ready for love.
Still reeling, she suffers another blow as her blog is attacked in a national newspaper, for promoting unachievable perfection. Libby knows it’s not true – but the only way to prove that is to strip off the armour she’s been wearing for years.
Is she brave enough to show the world she’s far from perfect? And will Charlie be by her side if she does…
I absolutely loved this book. I started reading it on Monday morning then finished it Wednesday night and it's really unlike me to come home from work and finish a book. I rarely read in the evening because I'm too tired (12 hour work days do that!).
I have started my #MaxineMorreyMarch and I think I picked a stunner of a book to start with. I had recently read her Winters Fairytale and loved that so knew I'd be in for a treat regardless of what she wrote.
#NoFilter follows Libby. An 'up and coming' Lifestyle and Beauty YouTuber and Blogger. She's happily single and enjoying her life. She struggles with the financial side of her blogger business. So when her Friend offers his Brothers accounting services she obliges without expecting the drop dead gorgeous but very shy Charlie to turn p to save her day. #NoFilter follows Lbby throughout all the highs and lows that come with the blogging world and the real commitments that come with it. I think Maxine managed to find the pure soul of what being a blogger means and it was really nice to see and read. I absolutely fell in love with Libby, she's pure gold. I think she reflected what being a woman in this day is really about. She isn't perfect and doesn't pretend to be either. She has mishaps and downs and manages them the way any strong woman would. Although reading more and more about Libby and having had many a conversation with Maxine it is evident she is the life and soul of this novel.
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Don't you just love it when an Author writes a truly perfect, yet realistic hero of the novel? Me too! Charlie was a beautiful character. You can imagine him in real life, and he was written in a truly perfect manner. Without giving too much away I loved how he was with Libby. He is such a kind hearted character that Maxine makes sure you fall head over heels in love with him and their journey together, even as friends.
There were other characters in this story of course. Amy, Libby best friend is such a laugh. I loved her. She's bubbly and she was exactly what Libby needed in her life to make her see exactly what she needed and where she needed to be and with who! Tilly, her assistant was wonderful. A good soul with a good nature and she always meant well. Even if it doesn't quite go to plan for her.
I ended up getting about 30% into this book and became utterly addicted with even word. I had to know what happened. There were so many moments that took me by surprise and I really think this gave it an edge against other romance novels out there. I did listen to he rest of this via Audible because I wanted to get more reading in and even read after work which I am usually far too tired to do.
I just utterly adored every page.
Will you be picking up #NoFilter ?
Rebecca x
Thank you so much for your wonderful review. I'm so happy you enjoyed the book so much!